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Tall Fescue Grass Seed

Tall Fescue Grass

Tall Fescue Grass seed is ideal for use on home lawns, parks and other areas where a low maintenance turf is desired. Tall Fescue has very deep roots that helps keep the soil cool in summer and warm in winter, reducing freeze/thaw cycles in the soil. Tall Fescue produces a very dense turf that is extremely wear tolerant while only requiring moderate mowing heights.

Tall fescue grass seed has a 15-year proven performance on home lawns and athletic fields throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and South America. Tall fescue grass seed is trusted by homeowners, turf managers and organizations that use tall fescue for athletic fields.


Tall Fescue

What is the difference between fescue and tall fescue?

Fescue grasses are some of the toughest grass varieties that you can choose. They can withstand droughts, traffic and most lawn diseases. Tall fescue is a more heat and drought tolerant version of common fescue, but it has less ornamental value with its coarse blade texture.

Tall Fescue is also available in a perennial form, which is the most desirable type of Tall Fescue. However, it doesn’t reseed itself like common fescue. Instead tall fescue has to be planted each year as seed or sod.

If you want your lawn to turn into an unattractive brown mess during drought-like conditions, then use typical fescue grass seed. However, if you prefer a beautiful lawn that will be green even during dry conditions, then use tall fescue grass seed.

Fescue is the most popular type of cool season turf in the U.S. It has been used for over 50 years and consists of either three-way or two-way hybrid varieties. Tall fescue is a variant of common fescue that has been developed for improved appearance and tolerance to traffic.

Tall fescue is hardy, grows well in cold weather, deep rooted and has a slower thatch production rate than Bermuda or Bahiagrass. Tall Fescue varieties are divided into two main types: Hard and Fine Leaf. All tall fescues will germinate best with spring or fall seeding. Early summer (June) is the best time to seed tall fescue, however it can also be seeded in late summer or early fall.

