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Spring Landscaping
Spring Landscaping


10 Reasons You Should Do Spring Landscaping

The Best Reasons to Landscape For Spring

It’s springtime! And spring in most places means a renewal of life in a garden. Many people plant spring flowers during this time to get ready for spring and summer.

Of course, you can always look around your neighborhood or town for spring flower ideas if you want inspiration. You may already know of some spring blooming plants near where you live. Do you know that the best time to start landscaping is in the spring? You may be saying to yourself, “Wait, but if I start now won’t it be summer before it’s all done?”

Well, there are at least ten reasons why doing your landscaping now is a better choice than waiting for warmer weather.

Top Ten Reasons To Spruce Up With Spring Landscaping

  1. Saving money! Landscaping companies offer discounts. You could save up to 50% off their normal service prices.
  2. The earth is moist and the ground soft. This makes digging much easier and keeps you from hurting yourself on rocks or other objects buried beneath the surface of your yard.
  3. Dead plants stand out against the contrast of green grass. Pulling out these unsightly plants will be much easier now than waiting until everything is dead.
  4. Piles of leaves are less noticeable when the grass is green. Plus, your yard has never looked better with all that extra sunshine!
  5. Garden centers are stocked full of bulbs and other spring-themed decorations. You can take advantage of this inventory clearance.
  6. The timing makes perfect sense for Mother’s Day, your spring break vacation, or any other time you want to spend with family. Put some finishing touches on landscaping masterpieces.
  7. You don’t have to worry about getting stuck in a rut! There are always new plants and flowers coming into the stores. If you get tired of what’s in your yard, just change it up!
  8. You can use this as an opportunity to practice your skills as a landscaper. Experiment with different flower types and placement!
  9. Spring landscaping is a  smart and long-lasting investment! Equipment for mowing, edging, planting, and mulching is at its cheapest prices of the year.
  10. Adds beauty and value to your home while providing a habitat for migrating birds. Put a bird feeder or birdbath to attract birds and bring more vibrancy to your yard!

Phew, that was a lot to cover, but there’s no doubt about it.  Your yard will look great this spring and you’ll have a lot more options for landscaping now than if you had waited.

Bring Out The Best In Your Landscaping

The front yard of a home is the first impression that guests get of the house so it’s important to landscape this area well. Springtime provides an opportunity to upgrade your landscaping with new plants, fresh mulch, and clean up debris from winter so you can give your home a great springtime makeover!

Tips For The Best Landscaping On Your Block

  • Spring Landscaping Yard PrepReseed bare patches of the yard away from the home to prevent mud and weed growth. Grass seed can be purchased at your local garden center or discount department store.
  • Clean out flower beds that were covered up by snow during winter. Vegetable gardens should also be cleaned up so you can start any new seeds soon.
  • Plant trees, shrubs, and flowers to add color and outdoor appeal to your home. Keep shrubs and flowers at least three feet away from the house to prevent damage. Make sure the soil is moist before planting so roots don’t dry out during transplantation.
  • Trim any bushes near entrances so they are no taller than 4 inches at their highest point. This will help keep snow from accumulating on top of these areas.
  • Replace old mulch around flower beds with fresh mulch which should be six inches deep. Mulch helps control weeds and retains moisture in the soil. Be sure to spread the mulch out to the edges of flower beds so grass doesn’t start growing into these areas.
  • Clean up any lawn debris like leaves, twigs, or sticks that might be on your grass areas after it warms up this spring.
  • Pick out any bad plants (ones with mushy spots or brown leaves) that died over winter and replace them with new plants. If you don’t want to place new plants yet, cut off dead foliage for a cleaner look until you’re ready to replace them.

Keep these spring landscaping tips in mind, and with a little elbow grease, you will get your yard looking great this season!

Smart Purchases And Ideas To Bring Your Yard To Life

The most beautiful time of the year is beginning. A time for renewal and rejuvenation. Some look forward to it all winter! With spring comes warmer weather, longer days, and bursts of color!

Spring decorating ideas always include a bloom of color, whether you prefer pastels or vivid shades. Spring is the perfect time to makeover your landscape and garden, too. From the ground up to any outdoor coverings, there are so many creative ways to decorate for spring. You can start afresh with spring landscaping ideas that will leave visitors in awe!

Spring Planting Options

  • Tips for Spring LandscapingPlant a few bulbs. This is a great way to welcome spring into your yard. Bulbs are easy to plant and will grow just about anywhere. You can have a burst of color in very little time with some tulips or daffodils!
  • Did you know there are trees with interesting bark? You can find many cool trees that bring interest to your yard with their bark alone! It’s a simple thing to do, and you’ll certainly get compliments on it! This is one of the most popular spring landscaping ideas because it is so easy to do.
  • Add multiple green elements. It does not have to be an overwhelming process, and you can keep it as simple as some green plants in your yard. This is also a great way to bring life back to your lawn.
  • Try growing vines! As they grow, they will provide shade and texture to your yard! Vines also create a unique look that will bring about compliments from your neighbors.
  • Flowers are a simple way to add a pop of color to your yard. When you do not know what else to do with your yard, just plant some flowers! You will get the desired effect, and it does not have to be a very expensive venture.

Garden Items That Are Not Plants

There are numerous objects that you can place in your yard and that will add beauty, texture, and uniqueness! The ideas are limitless, but here are a few simple ways to show off your landscape!

  • Look for statues or other forms of art that intrigue you! Artwork is another simple spring landscaping idea that can completely transform your yard. You could have a statue placed out front, or use some interesting planters to decorate the edges of your porch.
  • Think about adding accent lighting. This is an easy element for any outdoor space. The right kind of lighting will not only highlight certain areas of your yard but also provide light for outdoor activities.
  • Place stone pavers. You can use them in your pathway or even just around the edges of your lawn. They don’t require much maintenance, and they make your yard look more finished.
  • Consider installing automatic sprinklers, they can make life easier. They ensure that your plants get the water they need, even when you’re away from home. You don’t have to stand out in the heat to water your plants by hand.
  • Now is a great time to add outdoor furniture! You can find some great deals on patio furniture, and you will instantly have a new look to show off! Summer is just around the corner, and this will give you a jumpstart on backyard BBQs and family gatherings.

Where to Begin With Spring Landscaping

Spring landscaping should be a fun and exciting process. Consider what you want your yard to look like! Pick your favorite colors, flowers, and decorations. Once you know what you want, it’s time to get started! You do not have to be an expert landscaper or gardener to makeover your yard! Start small if you do not know what you are doing. It is always easier to add on later than to take away!

Reasons to Consider Spring LandscapingRemember, your yard can be functional with landscaping elements that also provide interest! Don’t be afraid to try something new. Spring is the perfect time to makeover your yard.

Most importantly when you are decorating, or redecorating, keep it low maintenance! In the end, you have to keep in mind that landscaping is a process, and plants will need time to grow. Of course, you want to create a beautiful outdoor space as soon as possible! However, planting trees or perennials might take years before you can see them bloom. Make sure that you’re okay with this before you start your landscaping project.

Also, remember that landscaping can be expensive, but it does not have to be. It’s best to go into the process with a plan and a landscaping budget. Know what you want and how much you are comfortable spending. This will prevent you from making any hasty or costly decisions. I enjoy starting with the type of flowers I would like to see bloom and then go from there! Have fun, you cannot go wrong with your spring landscaping!

Written By

Hi there! My name is Matt and I write for American Lawns. I've been a home owner for over 15 years. I've also had the pleasure of working with some experts in lawn care and outdoor living. I enjoy writing about everything related to your lawn, pests and types of grass. In my spare time, I'm either spending time with my family, doing a DIY project or learning a new skill.
