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Natural Tick Treatment
Natural Tick Treatment

Outdoor Living

Best Natural Yard Treatment for Ticks

Safe and Natural Yard Treatments for Ticks

We all know that ticks are a problem in the yard and an even bigger problem for animals and people. They can cause sickness and even death from their bites. This article will help you find out what is the best natural treatment for ticks, as well as how to prevent them from coming into your yard in the first place. You should consider the following when looking for a natural treatment: is it safe to use around children and pets, does it repel ticks? Once you have your list of requirements, then you can look at what products fit them best.

Make a Homemade Tick Repellent Spray

You can easily make a safe and effective homemade tick repellent spray. All you need is water, apple cider vinegar, and castile soap. You’ll also want to add some essential oils for added protection against ticks. Some good choices are Eucalyptus oil, lemon eugenol, tea tree oil, or geranium oil.

Mix all the ingredients in a bottle, then store it in the fridge until you are ready to use it. When applying this treatment around areas where kids play outside or dogs roam free, be sure that they do not drink from the treated area as it will probably taste terrible! This solution will protect plants too so there is no worry about harming other plants or even grass.

Try to Reduce the Ticks by Repelling Them

Best Tick PreventionOne of the most effective ways to reduce ticks in your yard is through deer management. You can use special fencing, but you mustn’t do anything that will harm the animals themselves. They are an essential part of nature!

A better way might be trying out some different plants like garlic, lavender, or thyme which all repel ticks.

The best thing about these plants is not only how well they work at keeping ticks away from your home and family, but also how beautiful they look when planted around outdoor areas.

Some of these plants also smell quite nice! There are many other natural remedies using plants and essential oils that help to get rid of ticks as well, so feel free to experiment with things you may already have around your house!

Try Creating a Natural Barrier

You can also try using an organic spray repellent that you’ll apply around potential areas where ticks may be hiding or breeding, such as bushes and tall grass. Another good way to avoid these pests would be creating a tick barrier just outside of your home by applying this same solution near entry points like doors and windows.

Be careful not to over-apply it though since many products contain chemicals that can harm plants and animals! You should always keep pets on a leash when walking them so they don’t roam into new territories and become exposed to more harmful things out there.

Just because there isn’t visible evidence doesn’t mean those pesky little creatures aren’t hiding somewhere on your pet waiting to jump onto you next! Another effective way is to make sure you keep up with yard work. Be sure not to leave any brush or tall grasses in your yard since this provides the perfect place for ticks to hide and breed.

Eliminate the Ability for Ticks to Multiply

If you have a garden make sure your plants are healthy and well-watered. If there is any standing water nearby this provides the perfect environment for females to lay their eggs which leads them into your yard when they hatch!

You can add beneficial bacteria like Mosquito Bits or Mosquito Dunks (which contain Bti) around areas where these pools of water may be to kill off larvae before it becomes an issue, but also remember that mosquitoes prey on ticks so having more insects buzzing around outside will help reduce tick populations naturally.

Ticks love moist environments with lots of vegetation. They’re often found near pond edges, making this popular spot one of the most important things you’ll want to check while doing daily checks during warmer months.

If you live in a wooded area this may be where ticks are hanging out the most. You can try spraying your yard with an organic spray repellent to keep them away from family activities, but remember that it is only effective when applied every few days so make sure not to forget!

Some people also like using cedar chips to place around their garden and home since many animals don’t enjoy the scent of cedar which works great for preventing pests. It’s important that if you have pets or kids playing outside that they stay on top of checking themselves over after coming back inside and before touching anything else (like food) just in case they were exposed while exploring without your knowledge.

Why Shouldn’t I Use Regular Bug Repellent for Ticks?

Get Rid of Ticks NaturallyIt’s best not to use any kind of chemical sprays around your home since they are harmful to the environment. This means that you should avoid DEET which can be found in many commercial tick repellents, but also remember it’s not just chemicals you need to worry about!

Be sure to take precautions when applying any type of spray or powder by wearing protective gear like gloves and a mask so nothing gets onto your skin without being diluted first.

If there is anyone who may accidentally come into contact with these products make sure they wash their hands immediately after handling them before touching anything else as well.

Ticks are horrible creatures because no matter how much we try keeping our yards clean and free from ticks, sometimes knowing where exactly they could be hiding can feel impossible! However, if you keep yourself aware of the signs and symptoms as well as prevention methods for these pests, you can feel much more confident about lessening your risk.

Why are Ticks Considered Dangerous?

Keeping your yard clean is an effective way to reduce the tick population around your home, but it’s also imperative that you stay up with regular check-ups. You can do so by checking yourself, kids, and pets over every day when coming inside.

Just remember that ticks are tiny creatures that can be easy to miss if they’re not on the skin! It’s best to have a partner help you inspect since there are many places ticks love crawling into including crevices in between fingers and toes. This is one of the reasons it’s important to keep nails clipped short since long nails provide more places for these pests to hide.

Recognizing Lyme Disease

If you live in an area where Lyme Disease runs rampant it’s even more crucial that any tick bite is checked out by a medical professional immediately because it can become serious within 24 hours!

You should also keep an eye out for other symptoms like fever, rash, and flu-like feelings to get yourself checked if you think you could be infected.

Although it may be the most commonly known, Lyme Disease isn’t the only type of disease ticks carry! Some of the most common are Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis, Tularemia, and Southern Tick Associated Rash Illness (STARI).

Recognizing Rocky Mountain Fever

Rickettsia group bacteria are the primary cause of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. This is a severe illness that can be difficult to treat. The bite of an infected tick might induce this disease.

Fever, headache, and muscular pains are common symptoms. A rash may appear at the site of a tick bite, usually with blackened or crusty skin. Spotted fever may be effectively treated with antibiotics if given as soon as possible.

In Conclusion

Preventing Ticks NaturallyMany tick repellents can be found at your local store which contains chemicals to ward off these pests, but these can be so harmful to other animals and humans. There are some much healthier options available, which might even do a better job at keeping ticks away.

For example, try spraying your yard with an organic spray repellent to keep them away from family activities, but remember that it is only effective when applied every few days so make sure not to forget!

Some people also like using cedar chips to place around their garden and home since many animals don’t enjoy the scent of cedar which works great for preventing pests.

It’s important that if you have pets or kids playing outside that they stay on top of checking themselves over after coming back inside and before touching anything else like food, just in case they were exposed while exploring without your knowledge.

Keeping ticks out of your yard means taking responsibility for protecting yourself, family, friends, neighbors, pets, and possibly even strangers who are having a picnic in the park down the street too! It might seem impossible with how tiny and quick these pests can be, but by being aware of their presence it’s possible to stay ahead of the problem. Ticks are a serious problem, be sure to contact a Broken Arrow pest control expert if you can not control them using natural methods.

Written By

Hi there! My name is Matt and I write for American Lawns. I've been a home owner for over 15 years. I've also had the pleasure of working with some experts in lawn care and outdoor living. I enjoy writing about everything related to your lawn, pests and types of grass. In my spare time, I'm either spending time with my family, doing a DIY project or learning a new skill.
