Best Fertilizer for Grass
Freshly cut lawns are excellent for evoking the feeling of serenity and peace. A freshly cut green lawn with fresh blades emits a cooling sensation to the body as one walks on it barefooted. Lawns also add beauty and design to any house, which is why many people love to have them in their homes.
When one decides to grow his or her own grass then he or she obviously wants the best results possible because this means better value for money spent on buying a kit that can help with fertilizing and growing grass at home. There are different types of fertilizer kits available in gardening stores but you should be extra careful when picking one. First, you will be required to determine your type of grass and the region that you live in.
Different Types of Fertilizer
There are different types of grasses – each of them requires a specific type of fertilizer for proper growth. What happens with some brands is that they provide one generic grass fertilizer and apply it to all varieties of grasses, this can cause harm to delicate flowers as it contains too much nitrogen than what the plant needs. The aspect that should also be taken into consideration is the climate or area where you reside because plants require different amounts of nutrients depending on their living location. When buying a lawn fertilizing kit then make sure you ask about what comes with it so you know whether or not it has everything you need.
You should always keep in mind that excessive use of fertilizer can be harmful especially if it contains too much nitrogen since this can cause damage to trees, flowers, shrubs and vegetables. It is important to examine the garden on a regular basis in order to spot any issues growths that may need to be attended to. You should always keep in mind that excessive use of fertilizer can be harmful especially if it contains too much nitrogen since this can cause damage to trees, flowers, shrubs and vegetables. It is important to examine the yard on a regular basis in order to spot any issue growths that may need to be attended to.
When purchasing a lawn fertilizer kit always check the label and read through it to determine whether or not this will meet your lawns demands. There are different types of grasses that require varying amounts of nutrients and fertilizers, some plants such as tall fescue need high nitrogen but others such as St. Augustine grass need less nitrogen and more phosphorus so make sure you get one that has an ideal composition for the type of plant you want to grow at home.
There are several brands on the market today which claim to be good quality products, but because they’re in huge demand some manufacturers try to find shortcuts in order to gain more profit by including low-quality materials for cheaper prices. These companies earn their money fast since only a handful of people actually check whether or not the products they purchase have good quality.
American Lawns Top Picks for Fertilizer 2023
1.Scotts EZ Seed Patch and Repair Centipede Grass, 10 lb. – Combination Mulch, Seed, and Fertilizer – Tackifier Reduces Seed Wash-Away – Covers up to 225 sq. ft
Scotts EZ Seed Patch & Repair Centipede Grass is the revolutionary seeding product that guarantees seeding success and makes it possible to grow grass in tough conditions.* Scotts unique growing material absorbs water like a sponge, expanding to surround the seed in a moist, protective layer. Just prep the ground, put it down, water and let it go to work!
3. Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action – Weed Killer & Preventer, Lawn Fertilizer, Prevents Crabgrass, Kills Dandelion, Clover, Chickweed & More, Covers up to 4,000 sq. ft., 20 lb.
Triple Action – Kills, Prevents and Feeds | Keep people and pets out of the area during application. Do not allow people or pets to enter the treated areas until dusts have settled Apply in spring when daytime temperatures are consistently between 60ᵒ F and 80ᵒ F and before the 3rd or 4th mowing | Do not apply to newly seeded or sodded areas until after the 4th mowing. Apply product when dandelions are actively growing You must wait at least 6-8 weeks between fertilizer applications | Covers up to 4,000 sq. ft. This product contains both a pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control Would not be a control for spurge Use on Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, Fine Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, and Tall Fescue | Will not kill actively growing crabgrass but will kill actively growing broadleaf weeds if applied correctly
Unfortunately we wound up with lots of weeds and dandelions this Spring from our neighbors and their poor lawn care. We tried this Turf Builder and were amazed at the results. After 3 treatments, all the dandelions were gone and our lawn looks fantastic. I was concerned because it is a little pricey, but the results are more than worth it. You won’t regret using this to get a gorgeous green lawn. I highly recommend.
4. Scotts Turf Builder Thick’R Lawn Tall Fescue Mix – 12 Lb. | Combination Seed, Fertilizer & Soil Improver | Get Up to A 50% Thicker Lawn
Everything you need to help turn weak, thin grass into a thicker, greener lawn. *Subject to proper care. Results may vary based on current condition of lawn Thick’R Lawn Tall Fescue contains seed to fill gaps with new grass, fertilizer to feed new grass plus thicken and green existing turf and soil improver for enhanced root development. It’s easy to use: first calculate the size of your lawn with the Scotts My Lawn app to determine coverage amount. Then pour product into your spreader and adjust setting per the product label requirements and apply. Apply to your entire lawn using a Scotts spreader.
Last year I attempted to fill in our bare front lawn using spot filler, but it did not take. Because it technically wasn’t bare- there was dead grass- I decided to try this. Dethatched the dead spots using a rake and then sprinkled a little bit of fresh soil on top. Literally, just a sprinkle of soil, something for the seed to grab onto not even 1/8″ thick. Seeded as suggested on the package but by hand. Watered daily for 2 weeks then one to two times a week after depending on the weather. Was iffy at first, nothing seemed to happen for 2+ weeks but then all of a sudden our entire front lawn filled in green. Time lapse in the pictures is 4 weeks, first is the day seeded. Has been low-maintenance ever despite very hot weather and little rain this summer. Couldn’t be happier with the result. Plan to continue to beef-up other parts of our lawn next year.
Update: June 2019, still happy with the outcome, after a Maine winter the grass all came back.
5. Scotts Turf Builder Starter Food for New Grass Plus Weed Preventer – 2-in-1 Formula – Fertilizes New Grass and Prevents Weeds like Crabgrass and Dandelions – Covers 5,000
Scotts Turf Builder Starter Food for New Grass + Weed Preventer is specially designed to be used when planting new grass. The 2-in-1 formula feeds grass and prevents weeds. Prevent crabgrass and dandelions for up to 6 weeks. New weeds will sprout white or turn white and die quickly. Be sure to apply this product before watering newly planted grass for the first time. Apply to newly seeded, overseeded or newly planted Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, centipedegrass, as well as fine fescues (creeping red, chewings and hard).
I have been using regular Scotts starter fertilizer for years. I am a landscaping contractor who has used just about every product on the market. This works absolutely fantastic and speeds up the growth start time a lot! I suggest to every one of my clients that we use this whenever we are doing lawn replacement, or repair. Especially if the area being repaired/replaced is a hill, or if its a high traffic area or hill. Attached are some photos of a back yard hill that I used this product on and we had amazing results within a few short weeks.