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Why Winterizing Your Sprinkler System Is Important

Why Your Sprinkler System Must Be Winterized

Why is winterizing your sprinkler system important? It’s important because it helps protect your sprinkler system from harsh winter weather conditions. Winterizing your sprinkler system can prevent broken pipes, water damage, and frozen sprinkler heads. It’s smart to always take this precautionary measure before winter arrives.

But what are the specific steps involved in winterizing your sprinkler system? We outlined the most important winterizing your sprinkler system steps below. We hope you’ll winterize your sprinkler system the right way after reading our article!

Steps to Winterize Your Sprinkler System

These steps will show you how to winterize your sprinkler system, and save you lots of money and headaches down the road.

1. Turn off all water to the sprinklers before winterizing them

This will usually be a valve that is either in the backyard near the water supply or in the basement at the area where your pipes come together.

If you have any questions about where this shut-off is, you should contact your local water company and they will be able to help.

2. Remove your sprinkler heads from the ground

Also, remove any winterize or other chemicals that you may have already added to the system. Make sure not to leave this in your sprinkler system for winter because it could freeze and expand, damaging the piping

3. Remove winterizing plugs and add anti-freeze to sprinklers

The winterization plug will prevent water from coming out when the pipes freeze, so it’s best not to have one in there during winter.

4. Drain your pipes all winter long

Do this by opening up a faucet or a hose bib that is near a sprinkler line. This will allow water to flow through the sprinkler lines and keep them from freezing.

5. Turn the faucet off

Turn off this faucet whenever you’re going to use any garden hoses for spring planting. Otherwise, you’ll end up dumping winter water into your yard instead of fresh, drinkable well water.

6. Unplug the controller

If you have a controller, be sure to unplug it or take out the batteries to avoid any damage from winter weather.

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t winterize your sprinkler system until it’s too late – and by then, you’ve already missed the window of opportunity. That’s because winterizing your sprinkler system is an important process that should be done before the cold weather arrives.


Winterizing Sprinkler System Must-Haves

Winterizing your sprinkler system is important to maintain healthy plants and avoid any costly repairs in the spring. I’ve compiled a list of winterizing your sprinkler system must-haves:

  1. Inspect your sprinkler system for damage and proper function.
  2. Turn off the water supply to your sprinkler system.
  3. Drain all water from the system by flushing out the lines with a garden hose.
  4. Disconnect any hoses and winterize valves.
  5. Store your sprinkler equipment in a dry location.

If you take these simple steps to winterize your sprinkler system, you’ll save yourself time and hassle in the springtime.

Reasons Why You Should Winterize

Here are several reasons why you should winterize your sprinkler system each year.

Prevents Frozen Pipes

A sprinkler system that is winterized will not have water running through the pipes.  This can prevent them from freezing.

Saves Money

Winterizing your sprinkler system can save you a lot of money on your water bill. When the water isn’t constantly running through the pipes, you’re not using as much water.

Keeps Your System in Good Condition

By winterizing your sprinkler system, you’re preventing any damage that could be caused by the cold weather. Freezing and thawing can cause valves and other components to break, so winterization is key to keeping your system in good condition.

Makes Spring Startup Easier

When winter is over and it’s time to start up your sprinkler system again, winterizing it will make the process much easier. You won’t have to spend as much time draining the water or fixing any damage that may have occurred over the winter.

It’s important to winterize your sprinkler system each year to ensure proper function and avoid any costly damages. By following these simple steps, you can winterize your system quickly and easily and keep your plants healthy all winter long.

Can I Just Drain My Sprinkler System For Winter?

That’s a question that many homeowners ask as winter approaches. The answer is: it depends.

Draining your sprinkler system for winter is important, but it’s not always necessary. The main reason to drain your sprinkler system is to protect it from the cold weather. If you live in an area where the winter temperatures regularly drop below freezing, draining your sprinkler system is essential.

If you don’t live in a cold climate, there’s a good chance that you can get away with simply turning off your sprinkler system for winter.

However, if you’re unsure whether or not you need to drain your system, it’s best to contact a professional. They’ll be able to tell you what needs to be done.

Working with a professional is especially important if you’ve never winterized your sprinkler system before. If you don’t winterize your system properly, instead of protecting it from winter weather conditions, you could be inviting in damage and destruction.

So call a pro today to make sure that winter has nothing to do with the death of your precious lawn equipment!

When Should You Start to Winterize Your Sprinkler?

You should start winterizing your sprinkler system before winter even begins to rear its ugly head. The longer you wait, the higher the risk that winter will arrive and cause damage to your lawn equipment.

If you want to make sure that wintertime won’t mean a dead sprinkler system, work with a pro during the autumn months. Your local irrigation provider should be able to recommend a schedule for winterization, and they’ll probably do it at a discounted rate since they’ll have more free time on their hands.

If temperatures reach freezing levels in your area, it’s important to winterize your system as soon as possible. Even if you take all of the necessary precautions, a sudden cold snap could still damage your equipment.

Paying attention to the weather report is one way to winterize your sprinkler system on time, but it’s not the only way. Keeping an eye on frost levels can also help you winterize your system before it’s too late.

No matter what, don’t wait until the snow starts falling to winterize your sprinkler system – by that point it might be too late! Damage caused by winter weather can often be irreversible, so it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

What Is the Cost to Winterize Your Sprinkler System?

The cost to winterize your sprinkler system will vary depending on the size of your system and how complex the winterization process is. Generally speaking, though, you can expect to pay between $50 and $100 for a professional to winterize your system.

This price may seem like a lot, but it’s important to remember that winterizing your sprinkler system can prevent costly damage down the road. Not only that but winterizing your system will also ensure that it’s in good condition when spring arrives – and we all know what a pain it is to have to wait for a new sprinkler system installation!

What Happens If My Sprinkler System Blows Out?

A blown sprinkler system can cause a lot of damage. Water will flood your yard and could even seep into your home. If the water freezes, it could damage your pipes or even crack your foundation.

If you have a blown sprinkler system, it’s important to take action right away. Turn off the water supply, drain the pipes, and call a professional to blow out the system. Failure to take these steps could result in even more damage.

Average Cost to Fix a Blown Out System

Fixing a blown sprinkler system can cost anywhere from $1,000 up to $5,000. If the water has gotten into your home or caused permanent damage, you could be looking at an even heftier bill.

Oftentimes, your homeowner’s insurance will cover the cost of repairs, but it’s important to check with your agent to be sure.


Although winterizing your sprinkler system takes some time and effort, it’s well worth the price in terms of the money saved on your water bill. When winter comes along, active sprinklers are out of season for good reason.

The heat output that would go into running them instead goes into warming up chilly homeowners during winter months. One side benefit is much lower water bills when winter rolls around.

As an alternative, you could use a winter cover for your sprinkler system. While it may not look as aesthetically pleasing as lush green grass, winter covers will prevent flooding and extra water use during the winter months.

It’s important to contact a professional to winterize your sprinkler system and blow out the excess water before winter arrives. If you wait until winter is already in full swing, you may be looking at a costly repair bill.

Take care of your sprinkler system now, and winterize it before the cold weather arrives.

Written By

Hi there! My name is Matt and I write for American Lawns. I've been a home owner for over 15 years. I've also had the pleasure of working with some experts in lawn care and outdoor living. I enjoy writing about everything related to your lawn, pests and types of grass. In my spare time, I'm either spending time with my family, doing a DIY project or learning a new skill.
