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How Much Does It Cost To Have Someone Maintain My Lawn
How Much Does It Cost To Have Someone Maintain My Lawn

Lawn Tips

How Much Does It Cost To Have Someone Maintain My Lawn?

Average Cost of Lawn Maintenance

Maintaining a lawn is a big responsibility. Mowing the grass, keeping it free of weeds, and re-planting bare patches can be very time-consuming. If you have a large yard, it may seem impossible to keep on top of things yourself. Having someone maintain your lawn is the way to go if you want your yard to look its best. It can be a time-consuming and challenging task. Many people hire someone else to maintain their lawn instead of doing it themselves.

How much does it cost to have someone maintain my lawn? While prices are not set stone for lawn maintenance services, the average homeowner can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $50 per visit. 

Keep reading to learn more about the average cost of lawn maintenance.

Determining Factors of Lawn Maintenance

Several factors determine how much it costs to have someone maintain your lawn. These factors include the size of the yard, the quality of the work you want to be done, and any special requests such as fertilizing or weed killing. The cost can also depend on what type of grass is installed in your yard.

The Size of Your Yard

Landscaping is a popular service in most communities, and it can get expensive when working with a large piece of land.

A general rule for the price paid per hour is $50/hour for a small lawn up to 5000 square feet and increasing at a rate of $10 for each additional 1000 sqft. The average price per hour is between $75 – 100 an hour depending on the region.

The Quality of Work Done

You will notice that some lawn care services charge by the visit rather than the hour. This may be due to specific requests such as fertilizing or weed killing.

However, most companies charge by the hour because there is no guarantee of how long it will take to complete a task. If you need additional services like sod laying or leaf blowing, it is best to ask for an estimate because these services are not included with lawn care.

How Much Does It Cost To Have Someone Maintain My LawnAny Special Requests

Additional costs or fees will be involved if you want your grass treated with fertilizers and pesticides. Since chemicals cost money, your total cost will increase if you choose to have this service done. If you decide to treat your yard yourself, the expense of chemical products will be on you.

The Type of Grass Installed in Your Yard

There are many types of grasses that are commonly used for residential lawns, such as fescue, zoysia, Bermuda, Bahia, buffalo, and St. Augustine. The most common type of grass is zoysia which has a “waxy leaf blade” that does not grow as fast as other types of grasses.

This makes zoysia lawns more desirable because they require less mowing and watering than different types of grasses. However, it also means that you will pay more to have someone maintain your yard because it requires extra work from the landscaper to make sure your lawn is healthy and green year-round. A fescue lawn costs about half as much as a zoysia lawn because it grows faster and requires less water.

Remember not to go with the cheapest company you can find – oftentimes, you get what you pay for. Also, be sure to keep in mind that a higher price does not always mean better service, so do not just pick based on price.

It is important to get multiple quotes from different companies. You should also contact references to see if they are satisfied with the service that was provided.

Maintaining Your Own Yard

Nowadays, the first thing to do when moving into a new house is to check for a lawn. A lovely green lawn with well-kept grass can add an air of beauty and tranquility to your residence. There are many benefits to having a lawn as it makes you feel at home as soon as you walk through your front door.

But maintaining a lawn takes time and effort, so if you do not have the means or motivation to attend to your lawn, then hiring a professional landscaping company could be more cost-efficient.

Doing this by hand could take many hours, depending on the size of your yard, which may cost more than just hiring a landscaping company. For most homeowners, the decision to hire landscaping services is often more of a personal preference rather than an economic one. Some individuals are driven by the desire for their yard to be maintained without them having to do anything, while others may have better things they would rather spend their money on.

Landscapes are beautiful, but they take work and cost time, effort, and attention to keep looking beautiful. You could spend your free time doing other things that you enjoy, or you can spend it taking care of your landscape so that it will stay healthy, fresh, and green. The choice is up to you!

How Much Does It Cost To Have Someone Maintain My LawnHow Much Does It Cost?

Lawn maintenance costs can vary depending on many factors. The amount of upkeep that is needed to keep the lawn looking healthy and green varies depending on external factors. Steps you can take in caring for your yard include mowing, watering, reseeding worn-out spots, fertilizing, dethatching, etc.

It could run you from $50 per month (low end) to $200 per month (high end). If you are spending less than $50 per month on lawn care, then it might not be worth paying someone else to do the work when you can go out in your spare time and get it done quickly without any hassle.

Why Hire A Lawn Maintenance Service?

One of the most important parts of homeownership is to keep up with lawn care. Owning a house means having your grass cut, hedges trimmed, weeds pulled, and snow shoveled. It is little wonder homeowners are overwhelmed with these tasks. Many have their time already maxed out at work and on family and personal responsibilities.

Employing a reputable lawn maintenance company means you will get high-quality work done every time by experienced landscapers who know what they are doing.

These are just some of the benefits that come with hiring a reliable lawn maintenance company. When you hire someone to handle everything from mowing to weed control, you will have more time to enjoy your free time without worrying about yard work!

Hiring a lawn maintenance service can be very attractive for those who do not own a mower or abhor weeding. Consider hiring a lawn maintenance company if you do not have the time or patience to handle your lawn care tasks such as mowing, fertilizing, weed control, and tree trimming.

They can provide references if requested so you can see their previous work and talk with former customers about their experience with the company’s staff and services. This type of landscaping business usually has employees that know how to handle many different types of jobs such as mowing, fertilizing, weed control, and tree trimming (for starters).

Such companies often have experience doing work for lawn care companies and can use that expertise to your advantage. Employees who know how to handle every part of the lawn care process will provide you with high-quality work.

All in all, when you hire someone to handle everything from mowing to weed control, you will have more time to enjoy your free time without worrying about yard work!

How Much Does It Cost To Have Someone Maintain My LawnThe Hardest Part Of Maintaining Your Own Yard

It is pretty easy to maintain a yard if you have the money, time, and skills needed. The best thing about owning your own property is that you are in control of how it looks, what gets done with it, who does what work, and so on. However, this is no easy task and will need a lot of effort and time to ensure you have a beautiful lawn.

The hardest part for most homeowners is convincing themselves they can do it themselves because many people believe they are unable to accomplish things without hiring others to do them for them. However, the great thing about having your own property is being able to keep up appearances without paying out loads of cash or wasting hours each week trying to get things looking good again!

You also get the benefit of watching something come to life from your work which can be very beautiful to be a part of.

While there are several different jobs to keep the yard looking nice, including mowing, weeding, raking, and fertilizing. However, there is one job that may be the hardest of all: edging.

Edging can sometimes take up as much time as doing everything else in addition to it. It requires going over large sections of your lawn multiple times with a power edger or manual hedge trimmer just to clean up the edges where the grass meets flower beds or sidewalks. You have to go around posts and trees too. And then you have to do it again after a few days because grass has been growing back from being cut so short.

Written By

Hi there! My name is Matt and I write for American Lawns. I've been a home owner for over 15 years. I've also had the pleasure of working with some experts in lawn care and outdoor living. I enjoy writing about everything related to your lawn, pests and types of grass. In my spare time, I'm either spending time with my family, doing a DIY project or learning a new skill.
