The Complete Guide to Getting Rid of Army Worms Naturally
If you have ever had a problem with army worms, then you know they can cause a lot of damage to your lawn and garden. They can quickly strip away all the leaves from your plants, leaving them looking brown and dead. If you have an army worm infestation, don’t panic! There are several ways that you can get rid of them naturally, without using any harsh chemicals. In this blog post, we will discuss 9 different methods that you can use to get rid of army worms for good!
So, what are 9 ways to get rid of army worms naturally? Check out this list:
- Handpicking
- Introduce Natural Predators
- Use Nematodes
- Create a Barrier
- Use Insecticidal Soap
- Spray Neem Oil
- Use Diatomaceous Earth
- Plant Marigolds
- Make a Trap
Now that you can see all of your options, let’s dive into each a bit deeper to see which method will be best for you to get rid of those army worms!
1. Handpicking
This method is probably the most labor-intensive method on this list, but it can be very effective. You will need to check your plants daily for army worms and pick them off by hand. This is best done in the early morning or evening when they are most active. The best way to do this successfully is to wear gloves and use a small pair of tweezers. First, you will need to find the worms. They are usually hiding in the leaves of your plants. Once you have found them, carefully pick them off of the plant and place them in a bucket of soapy water. This will kill them. Repeat this process every day until you have eliminated all of the army worms from your garden. Be careful to avoid a back injury with this method and try something else if it starts to cause discomfort.
2. Introduce Natural Predators
One way to get rid of army worms is to introduce their natural predators into your garden. Some of the most common predators of army worms are ground beetles, ladybugs, and lacewings. You can purchase these insects from your local nursery or online. You can also search for these insects already living in your yard and carefully catch and move them. Release them into your garden and they will start to hunt down the army worms. This method may take a little longer to see results, but it is a safe and natural way to get rid of army worms.
3. Use Nematodes
Nematodes are tiny parasitic worms that can be very effective in controlling army worms. They enter the body of the worm and release a bacteria that kills them. You can purchase nematodes from your local nursery or online. They are relatively easy to apply. You will just need to mix them with water according to the directions on the package and then apply them to your garden with a hose-end sprayer. Once the army worms have been infected with the nematodes, they will die within a few days. You won’t see the results of this method immediately, but give it a week or two and you should see a significant reduction in army worms.
4. Create a Barrier
One way to keep army worms out of your garden is to create a physical barrier around it. You can do this by covering the perimeter of your garden with diatomaceous earth, sand, or even coffee grounds. The best part about using coffee grounds is you are also deterring slugs! This method works by the army worms attempting to crawl over the barrier and getting covered in the powdery substance.
This may not kill the army worms, but it will make it difficult for them to get into your garden in the first place. This method is most effective when used in combination with other methods on this list. Keep in mind that you will need to reapply this barrier every few days, depending on the weather and rainfall.
5. Use Insecticidal Soap
Insecticidal soap is a safe and natural way to kill army worms. It works by causing the army worms to dehydrate and die. Insecticidal soap is made with potassium salts of fatty acids and can be purchased at your local nursery or online. Be sure to coat all of the leaves of your plants, as this is where the army worms will be hiding. Make sure to follow the directions on the package when applying it to your garden. This method is most effective when used in combination with other methods on this list. Also if you have pets, make sure they are not able to access the treated area until it is dry.
6. Spray Neem Oil
Neem oil is a natural insecticide that is derived from the neem tree. It works by causing the army worms to stop feeding. This will eventually kill them. Neem oil has a strong smell, so be sure to apply it in the evening so that the smell has time to dissipate before you go out into your garden. Other oils that are natural deterrents to army worms are eucalyptus, lemon, and peppermint oil. You can purchase these oils at your local grocery store or online. When applying them to your garden, be sure to mix them with water first. Then apply them with a hose-end sprayer. This method is most effective when used with another one. You can purchase neem oil at your local nursery or online. Make sure to follow the directions on the package when applying it to your garden.
7. Use Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is a natural substance that is derived from the fossilized remains of algae. It works by causing the army worms to dehydrate and die. When using this method, be sure to apply the diatomaceous earth to the perimeter of your garden. This will create a barrier that the army worms will have to crawl over. You can purchase diatomaceous earth at your local nursery or online. Make sure to follow the directions on the package when applying it to your garden. This substance will also not harm your plants, however, if you have pets, make sure they are not able to access the treated area until it is dry.
8. Plant Marigolds
Marigolds are a type of flower that can be very effective in controlling army worms. They release a chemical into the soil that is toxic to army worms. They are also very easy to grow and don’t require much care. You can purchase marigolds at your local nursery or online. Plant them around the perimeter of your garden. If you don’t want to wait around for them to grow then you can also buy them already in bloom and carefully replant them at home.
9. Make a Trap
The last method of getting rid of army worms on our list is to make a trap. This is a simple method that anyone can do. All you need is a jar, some water, and a little bit of honey. First, take your jar and fill it about halfway with water. Then add a few drops of honey to the water and stir it around. Next, take your jar and place it upside down in your garden. The army worms will be attracted to the sweet smell of the honey and will crawl into the jar to get to it. Once they are in the jar, they won’t be able to crawl out and will eventually die. For best results, make a few of these and place them around your garden. Another perk of this last method is that making a trap is something kids can help with! It could be a fun summer or weekend project for the whole family that is safe and easy.
Related Questions
Which of these methods is best if I have a back injury?
If you have a back injury, the best method for getting rid of army worms would be to purchase nematodes from your local nursery or online. They are relatively easy to apply and you will not need to do any heavy lifting.
Can I use more than one of these methods at the same time?
Yes, you can use more than one of these methods at the same time for maximum effectiveness. We recommend using a combination of methods to get rid of army worms.
Will army worms come back every year?
In most cases, army worms will not come back every year. However, if you have a particularly bad infestation, they may return the following year. If this happens, we recommend using a combination of methods to get rid of them.
When should I call an exterminator?
If you have tried all of these methods and none seem to be effective or you have a severe infestation of army worms, we recommend calling an exterminator. They will be able to treat your problem quickly and effectively.
Final Notes
To conclude, there are many different ways that you can get rid of army worms. Some methods are more effective than others, but a combination of methods is usually the best way to get rid of them. If you have any questions or concerns, we recommend calling an exterminator. They will be able to help you identify the problem and find the best solution for your situation. And remember that consistency is key when it comes to getting rid of army worms. Be sure to check your garden regularly and take action as soon as you see any signs of an infestation. Thanks for reading! We hope this article was helpful. Good luck!