Best Kentucky Bluegrass Seed
It’s a beautiful type of grass that adds to the aesthetic appeal of any property where it’s planted, making houses easier to sell. It looks especially good with smaller flowers like daisies and pansies mixed in among the blades! As far as fall foliage goes, Kentucky bluegrass will keep its green color almost all the way until winter hits.
It’s a great choice for areas with small children or pets running around, because of how strong it is. Even if your kids or pets run and roll through the grass, their presence won’t damage it at all! The grass holds up well to any kind of use. It’s low maintenance as long as you keep mowing regularly and fertilize it when necessary (ideally once a month). It also plays well with other types of plants, so adding flowers or installing a garden will be a breeze.
Depending on your needs, Kentucky bluegrass can be used in different ways. If you’re looking for something that looks good but doesn’t require much care, look no further! It’s also great for golf courses, parks, fairways and recreational fields. Here is a list of the best Kentucky Bluegrass seed mix:
1. Scotts 18269 Turf Builder Kentucky Blue Mix Grass Seed (4 Pack), 7 lb
2. Pennington Smart Seed Northeast Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix, 7 Pounds
I had very good germination in 5 days, the key is keeping the soil wet all the time when planting new seed, allowing your soil to dry drying the germination time can kill the seedlings….water, water, water.
3. Scotts Turf Builder Grass Kentucky Bluegrass Mix-7 lb, Use in Full Sun, Light Shade, Fine Bladed Texture, and Medium Drought Resistance, Seeds up to 4,725 sq. ft
Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Kentucky Bluegrass Mix is a unique mix that performs well in high-traffic areas, under moderate shade, and in sunny areas. It has the ability to self-repair from heat, drought, and high-traffic damage and is Scotts most cold-tolerant grass seed mix .Contains our exclusive WaterSmart PLUS coating technology that keeps seeds moist 2X longer than uncoated seed, feeds to jumpstart growth, and helps protect seedlings against disease.
AMAZING! This seed grew so fast, and filled out the bare patches in my lawn within a week. I have large dogs, and they tend to destroy my lawn, but this seed took hold of the bad soil and sprouted quickly and my lawn looks like new!!! I have used other brands of seed, which normally take about 3 weeks to germinate, so I was particularly excited when this grew so fast. This is the only seed I will ever buy from here on out.
4. Midnight Kentucky Bluegrass Seed (Certified) – 50 Lbs.
Midnight Kentucky Bluegrass Seed. Plant Rate of 2 – 3 lbs per 1,000 Sq. ft. Midnight Kentucky Bluegrass is very dark green and, although they dont usually resume growth until late spring, tolerate high temperatures. Kentucky bluegrass, a widely used perennial turfgrass in temperate and sub-arctic climates, is probably the most recognizable species in the U.S. Kentucky bluegrass is native to northern Asia; the mountains of Algeria and Morocco; and cool, open sites in Europe. The species gets its name from the origin of the early, commercially produced seed and its blue-green color. Leaf blades are V-shaped or flat and have a keel- or boat-shaped tip. A light line can often be seen on each side of the central vein of the leaf blade. Plants grow best in fertile, well-drained soils in full sun or light, open shade. Kentucky bluegrass establishes slowly from seed compared to perennial ryegrass and tall fescue. A relatively high water requirement; lack of establishment vigor; shallow root system; and limited shade, wear and soil acidity tolerance restrict the use of Kentucky bluegrass in Tennessee. Many sod producers plant a 90:10 (by weight) tall fescue: Kentucky bluegrass seed mixture. Kentucky bluegrass is darker green than many varieties of improved, turf-type tall fescues. The strong rhizomes of Kentucky bluegrass can improve the tensile strength of sod. When weather is favorable, one Kentucky bluegrass plant can produce from 20 to 50 or more feet of rhizomes in five months.
It exceeded my more than high expections. Germination started slowly at first, but then it took off. I used annual rye grass in combination with with this seed to achieve winter grass color and to stabilize the bluegrass seed base.
It beats anything offered at Lowes or Home Depot.
I went from the worse yard to the best in 8 weeks.
5. Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix, 7 Pounds
The perfect mix of Tall Fescue and Fine Fescue to thrive in shady conditions Grow thick, green grass in areas of your lawn that don’t receive much sunlight Contains just the right amount of fertilizer to help your lawn succeed Requires only 2 to 6 hours of sunlight Disease and traffic-resistant for a strong, durable lawn Save up to 30% more water year after year versus ordinary grass seed Guaranteed to grow.
I live in San Antonio and I have a very shaded front yard. When we moved in it was mostly weeds, which turned to weeds with patches of dirt…didn’t look very good! I was worried about the cost of sod if I went that route, but then what if it didn’t take because of all the shade anyway? I decided to try sending it first. After a lot of research I decided to try this seed first. I’m so glad I did!!! I didn’t do any ground prep. I sprinkled the seed all over, then sprinkled peat moss all over on top of the seed. Watered it daily, and had cute little baby grass sprouts in a week! It is growing literally EVERYWHERE that I sprinkled the seed! I highly recommend using peat moss to cover the seed. I notice a lot more sprouts in the areas that ended up with more of the peat moss, although I do still see some growing on the bare ground. I plan on buying more very soon to finish seeding the whole yard. Thank you for making such a great product!!!